Račić bb, Bihać, BiH

+387 63 14 14 14


Una in a cloud of magic: Inner peace and outer beauty

While winter crept into our regions, the snow revived nature and turned the Japod Islands and the Una river into a fairytale world. Bridges, paths and accommodation units became part of the magical white landscape, shrouded in the additional magic of the fog rising from the Una River. Through this winter idyll, we invite you to an unforgettable journey through our photographic story.


Japoda Valley with a view of Mali Ljutoč 🌟

A walk through snowy paths with a view of Una 🚶‍♂️

Bridges rooted in snow ❄️



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A photographic journey through the white paradise 📸

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City of Bihać in December: Friendship, love and unforgettable fun

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Nagrađujemo: Osvojite besplatan rafting i dva noćenja za dvije osobe na Japodskim otocima

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